Online Search
The database has entries for the years
1907 (partial)
Spelling of names
When doing your search, please remember that when entering names on the passenger manifests the name may have been anglicized (e.g. "Muller" for Müller) or altered (e.g. "Petzold" instead of Pätzold or "Cramer" instead of Kramer).
We recommend you to try different spellings of the name during your search.
First name
If you are looking for a person who had several first names and you are not sure which name the person was called by, leave the first names out initially and enter only the surname.
Year of emigration
Only enter the year of emigration if you are absolutely sure that it is the right year. Otherwise leave the box empty.
If you want to research when whole families emigrated, it is cheaper to send a search order.
Search order
General Terms and form for a search order in english
Enter the known information here